This page last changed on Mar 11, 2009 by straha1.

This page is targeted towards users who are already very experienced with with UNIX clusters and MPI. If you do not have such experience, you should read other pages summarized on the user resources page before relying on this page.

Table of Contents


HPC is a 35-node opteron cluster (33 compute nodes, one dedicated debugging node that accepts jobs and one login node), several file servers, all connected by an Infiniband interconnect. There is 14 TB of high-speed Infiniband-connected storage which has some built-in redundancies but is not backed up. There is 200 GB of backed-up shared storage for home directories. Each node has:

  • two dual-core 2.6 GHz Opteron 2218 processors connected by a hypertransport bus
  • 13 GB of RAM, distributed between the two processors (each processor has a dedicated memory bus).
  • connections to Infiniband and Gigabit Ethernet switches
  • a 7200 RPM 160 GB hard drive with about 120 GB of temporary storage space (the drives are 160 GB drives though)
  • 1 MB of L2 cache and 64KB of L1 cache (32KB data, 32KB code) per processor core

This cluster does not provide long term storage, with the exception of your home directory (which has a very low quota). Additional cluster-accessible long-term storage is available separately from OIT for a yearly fee.

See this page more detailed information.

Your Account: Getting it and Using it

To get an account, submit a request using the account request form. To log in, simply use ssh:


and use your UMBC-wide username and password (same as for MyUMBC). Transfer data to HPC using scp:

scp some_file

You can use sftp or sshfs instead – anything that supports version 2 of the ssh protocol will work.

By default, users have a quota of 100,000 KB and 10,000 files. Anything large should be stored in your ~/scratch/ or ~/common/ directories which are merely symbolic links to the network-mounted, infiniband-accessed 14 TB storage areas on Sun "Thumpers". That data is not backed up, but it does have some redundancy to make it tolerant of limited amounts of hardware failures. You can rent additional, thoroughly backed up storage space from OIT. See the Initial Setup of Your Account page for more details.


The following software is available on HPC:

  • Matlab (a widely-used matrix processing program; includes C- and Fortran-callable BLAS and LAPACK libraries)
  • Gnu R – a GNU statistical analysis language based on S
  • SAS – a commercial statistical analysis language based on S
  • IDL (the Interactive Data Language – popular in meteorology and atmospheric physics)
  • the GNU Compiler Collection v. 4.1.2 (C, C++, Fortran 77, 90 and 95)
  • the Portland Group, Inc compilers v. 7.1-6 (C, C++, Fortran 77, 90 and 95 plus limited Fortran 2003 support)
  • the Portland Group, Inc ACML math library. Includes commercial, optimized BLAS, LAPACK and FFT routines.
  • Comsol Multiphysics (a package for finite element solving and analysis; includes C- and Fortran-callable BLAS and LAPACK libraries)
  • the PBS queuing system
  • three Infiniband-enabled MPI implementations: OpenMPI, MVAPICH and MVAPICH2

MPI Implementations

We have the following MPI options:

All three options work with C, C++, Fortran 77 and Fortran 90 with each of GCC and PGI. See this page for advice on choosing between them.

You switch which compiler+MPI combination you're using by running the switcher command and then logging off and logging back in. If you don't log off and log back in, strange, unwanted things will happen. Switcher commands include:

switcher mpi --list lists all MPI combinations
switcher mpi --show tells you which MPI implementation you will have next time you log in (which may be different than the one your current shell has)
switcher mpi = new_mpi_option switch to the mpi implementation "new_mpi_option" which can be any of the ones listed by switcher mpi --list

Compiling MPI programs:

mpicc use in place of pgcc and gcc
mpif90 use in place of pgf90 and gfortran
mpif77 use in place of pgf77 and gfortran -ffixed-form
mpicxx use in place of pgcpp and g++

If you are using Fortran, replace ld with mpif90 or mpif77. If you are using C++, replace ld with mpicxx. C programs can use any of the four executables in place of ld. Mixing C++ and Fortran can be complicated – avoid it if you can.

Running MPI programs varies between the three implementations: OpenMPI, MVAPICH, MVAPICH2. Preliminary benchmarks have shown that MVAPICH2 is the fastest. OpenMPI is the slowest by a pretty wide margin. MVAPICH2 is more complicated to use – see this page for more details.

PBS Queuing System

HPC uses the PBS queuing system. Jobs are submitted using qsub, monitored with qstat and canceled with qdel. Currently, interactive jobs are not allowed. We have three queues: testing, low_priority and high_priority. The testing queue uses the dedicated debug node. Please use the testing queue to test any new programs before running them on the cluster nodes. Details about the differences between the queues are available on this page: Queues on HPC.

A simple example qsub script:

: put no lines beginning with # before the #PBS lines other than the /bin/bash line

#PBS -N 'hello_parallel'
#PBS -o 'log.file.for.stdout'
#PBS -e 'log.file.for.stderr'
#PBS -W umask=007
#PBS -q low_priority
#PBS -l nodes=5:ppn=4
#PBS -m bea

: The exact format of the call to mpirun varies between implementations:
mpirun --machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE --np 20 ./my_program_name

Look here for an explanation of those options (or run man qsub). There is one important fact you must remember: nodes=5 does not mean five machines. It means five groups of ppn processor cores, where all processor cores in a group are on the same machine. Thus if you type nodes=5:ppn=4 you'll get five machines all to yourself (since all of our cluster nodes have four processor cores). If you omit the ppn=4 then you'll get five processor cores somewhere on the cluster.

Submit that script using:

qsub name-of-your-script

That will give you a job number (such as which you can then use with qstat and qdel:

qdel my-job-number cancels the specified job
qstat lists all jobs
qstat a-job-number lists brief job info (fifth column has R for running or Q for queued.)
qstat -f a-job-number lists extensive information about a job. If you don't specify a job number, you'll get extensive information about all jobs on the cluster.

Look here for more details. Note that if you forget your job number, you can run qstat and it will list all jobs (including yours) with the job numbers in the first column.

Document generated by Confluence on Mar 31, 2011 15:37